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Programs in daily schedule

Panorama programme / CICAF: Best contemporary Chinese animation

Hírös Agora / theatre hall - aug. 13. 09:00


05' 00''
Sun Lijun


12' 24''
Yan Yan

Good Wish Baby: Lady Xian

04' 49''
Yiqing Huang, Zhangsheng Zheng

Please Play With the Rabbit

03' 24''
Wang Weicheng

Petty Things

03' 46''
Li Zexi, Xie Shutao

The Forge

04' 11''
Fei Jing


08' 56''
Yang Qing

Talia on the Earth Orbit

14' 24''
Sun Zitong

The Eighth Continent

07' 23''
Yunhuan Tan


04' 02''
Haoxuan Shi

Further programmes / Hungarian Folk Tales

Main Square / Space in Space - aug. 13. 09:00

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Retrospective programme / Kecskemétfilm 50 – Children’s programme

Otthon Cinema - aug. 13. 09:00

How Can You Frighten a Lion?

06' 50''
Tóth Pál

Happy Birthday, Adél!

10' 39''
Szoboszlay Péter

Crane Story from Hortobágy

13' 44''
Lugosi István

The Mouse with a Mouth

19' 24''
Kiss Andrea

Skipping Songs

04' 53''
Keresztes Dóra

Workshop / Primanima animation fun zone caravan

Youth Centre / mirror hall - aug. 13. 09:00

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Further programmes / Meet the Filmmakers

Hírös Agora / room nr. 32 - aug. 13. 10:00

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Hungarian Information programme / TV-Series

Otthon Cinema - aug. 13. 10:30

Berry and Dolly: Butterfly Girls

05' 00''
Krizsanics Antonin, M. Tóth Géza

Gypsy Tales: The Wise Gypsy Who Drove Off the Devil's Son

07' 33''
Tóth-Pócs Roland, Balajthy László

Fledglings: The Polgár Girls

08' 13''
B. Nagy Ervin

Marty's Garden

11' 13''
Benkovits Bálint

Retrospective programme / Katarina Minichova retrospective

Hírös Agora / theatre hall - aug. 13. 11:00

The Youngest Heroes: Vegetable Soup

08' 24''
Jurišič František

Clay Tales: Fashion Show

08' 42''
Jurišič František


04' 12''
Zajacová Ivana

Workshop / Primanima animation fun zone caravan

Youth Centre / mirror hall - aug. 13. 11:00

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European Competition programme / Marona's Fantastic Tale

Otthon Cinema - aug. 13. 12:00

Marona's Fantastic Tale

1h 32m
Damian Anca

Panorama programme / Award-winning films of Cinanima 2020

Hírös Agora / theatre hall - aug. 13. 13:00


11' 38''
Ramires Alexandra

Apple Sauce

06' 51''
Gratzer Alexander

Mild Madness, Lasting Lunacy

18' 16''
Laclotte Marine


02' 22''
Tyuterev Valentin

White Horse

07' 00''
Xu Yujie


11' 23''
Hykade Andreas

Panorama programme / Stuttgart 2020: Best Tricks for Kids

Otthon Cinema - aug. 13. 14:00


07' 55''
Stubbings Neil

Cats Can't Swim

03' 47''
Morgan HaiLing

The Atelier

04' 06''
Masani Bianca

Pretending Story

07' 28''
Vasfilova Ina


01' 31''
Tassin Baptiste

Oeil pour Oeil

05' 54''
Boileau Thomas, Briantais Francois, Courtoise Robin, Guimont Alan, Hunt Malcom, Lecroq Mathieu

Patchwork Penguin

04' 00''
Steffen Angela


02' 11''
Kellermann Sebastian

The Witch and the Baby

04' 45''
Golubeva Evgenia

Sous la glace

06' 50''
Berrahma Ismail, Baulard Milan, Estampes Laurie, Potin Hugo, Nory Quentin, Dupont Flore

Hannibal the Elephant

04' 06''
Monteix Aurélie


06' 02''
Wang Katy

European Competition programme / TV-Series 2

Malom Cinema - aug. 13. 14:00

Cat Princess

08' 44''
Tamás Iván

Brazen: Mae Jemison

03' 25''
Cambon de Lavalette Charlotte, Nguyen Phuong Mai

Fox and Hare: Ladies Club

10' 46''
Halberstad Mascha, Van Gestel Tom

Book Presentations / István Orosz: Merry Song on Merry Lips and Paternoster

Hírös Agora / room nr. 32 - aug. 13. 15:00

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Workshop / Primanima animation fun zone caravan

Youth Centre / mirror hall - aug. 13. 15:00

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Hungarian Competition programme / TV-Series

Hírös Agora / theatre hall - aug. 13. 15:00

Door to Othertown: Döbrögi

07' 40''
Gelley Bálint

Gypsy Tales: We Once Were Birds

07' 40''
Horváth Mária

PoCats: Sock Tree

07' 06''
Bárdos Csaba

Fledglings: Laci Papp

08' 10''
B. Nagy Ervin

Hunor: The Invasion of the Killer Bojlers

13' 44''
Klingl Béla, Koós Árpád

Cat Princess

08' 44''
Tamás Iván

Book Presentations / László Bán: László Haris – The Whole in the Details

Hírös Agora / room nr. 32 - aug. 13. 15:45

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European Competition programme / TV-Series 1

Malom Cinema - aug. 13. 16:00

The Adventures of Gloria Scott: Murder in the Cathedral

15' 39''
Pisacic Matija, Raspolic Tvrtko

Women Undercover: Yola

06' 15''
Pollet Aurélie

Fail in Love: Bite on the Side

04' 19''
Rousset Cécile, Blanc-Tailleur Romain, Nowak Adrienne

Gypsy Tales: We Once Were Birds

07' 40''
Horváth Mária

Milkshake Bar

12' 33''
Oettinger Urtė

Book Presentations / Tamás Kollarik: Hungarian Producers, Vol. 1

Hírös Agora / room nr. 32 - aug. 13. 16:15

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Hungarian Competition programme / Applied Animation

Hírös Agora / theatre hall - aug. 13. 17:00

Bob Moses – Desire

04' 27''
Airplan Studio

Zsolt Láng: Bolyai

01' 19''
Rádóczy Zsuzsi

Gíta Krasznai – Ivy

03' 55''
Krasznai Gíta

Ethno-zoom: Cifraszűr

01' 32''
Bertóti Attila

Count at the Theatre

00' 56''
Bella Tamara, Gurka Gábor István, Hollós Kata, Pittmann Kornél

HERSELF – Herself

03' 49''
Tőkés Anna

Hikers Tale

00' 53''
Erhardt Domonkos

Friends Promo Spots

01' 53''
Huszár Dániel

Mantaro - A Coffee Full of Mystery

00' 44''
Attila Hartung, Vácz Péter

McDonald's Hot Devil

00' 25''
Airplan Studio

Incredible Car Stories

02' 14''
Airplan Studio


02' 05''
Darabos Éva, Kádár Melinda, Mákó Borbála, Korcsok Lili

Odett – White Light

03' 07''
Klement Csaba


00' 50''
Mendrei Miklós

Onleihe - Goethe-Institut

02' 00''
Ducki Tomek

Paramount Channel Idents Vol. 3

01' 39''
Airplan Studio

TPSRPRT – Rattle

03' 58''
Tercza Gréta, Balogh Mirjána, Demeter Dominika, Feiner Janka, László Márk, Nemes Barnabás, Pethő Zsófia, Sárdi Katalin, Szentesi Imre Balázs, Szujó Alexandra Júlia

Zsigmond Vilmos Film Festival 2019

00' 28''
Verhóczki Ádám

Lecture / Barnabás Takács, Ph.D: AI4FILM

Hírös Agora / room nr. 32 - aug. 13. 17:00

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European Competition programme / Wolfwalkers

Otthon Cinema - aug. 13. 18:00


1h 43m
Moore Tomm, Stewart Ross

Retrospective programme / Kecskemetfilm 50 – Artanima

Otthon Cinema - aug. 13. 19:30

Come to the Clearing

08' 21''
Molnár Péter

Greentree Street 66

07' 11''
Horváth Mária


01' 55''
Orosz István, Haris László


08' 47''
Degryse Luc

How Did Esther Get on the Table?

10' 01''
Szoboszlay Péter

Face to Face

04' 48''
Neuberger Gizella

The Eyes of the Summer

03' 15''
Ivanov Neikov Nikolai

Court Record – In Memoriam Peter Mansfeld

07' 16''
Szilágyi Varga Zoltán

Two Mornings

05' 28''
Hegedűs László


08' 11''
Tóth-Pócs Judit, Tóth-Pócs Roland

Foreign Body

02' 51''
Ulrich Gábor

Retrospective programme / Kecskemetfilm 50 – Writers in the cinema 1

The Museum of The Hungarian Naive Artists / courtyard - aug. 13. 20:00

The Bards of Wales

06' 15''
Gémes József

Miracles of the Night

08' 26''
Horváth Mária

The Widely Travelled Little Mouse: The Patronage by a Relative

07' 02''
Nagy Lajos, Szilágyi Varga Zoltán

A Merry Funeral

28' 13''
Szilágyi Varga Zoltán

Retrospective programme / Kecskemetfilm 50 –Hungarikum tales

Main Square / Space in Space - aug. 13. 20:00

Hungarian Folk Tales: The Contrary Wife and the Devil

07' 26''
Jankovics Marcell, Ujváry László

Hungarian Folk Tales: The Stone Soup

06' 15''
Pál Nagy Balázs

Hungarian Folk Tales: The Lazy Boy

07' 54''
Horváth Mária

Hungarian Information programme / Student Film

Hírös Agora / theatre hall - aug. 13. 20:00

How to

01' 48''
Pataki Szandra


03' 15''
Román Imola

Half an Hour Silence

08' 22''
Gábor Balázs

The Force

03' 02''
Králl Kevin

Things That Happened to Us…

02' 46''
Teleki Kitti, Mészáros Bence


04' 38''
Szitai Eszter

Carry On Dying

02' 27''
Helstáb Martin

The Piper

01' 35''
Tóth Lili

Crow's Tale

01' 41''
Kéri László

The Thirsty Troll

02' 31''
Bartis Bálint

Further programmes / Projection Mapping

József Katona National Theater in Kecskemét - aug. 13. 21:00

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Further programmes / KAFFTER party

Otthon Café - aug. 13. 22:00

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Kecskemét címere
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The realisation of the 15th Kecskemét Animation Film Festival and the 50th anniversary professional programme in 2021 was supported by the Hungarian Academy of Arts.

Steel Flex
Horváth Építőmester Zrt.
Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem
Kecskeméti Konzervgyár
Bács-Kiskun Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara
Horváth Építőmester Zrt.
Aranyhomok Kistérségfejlesztési Egyesület
Félegyházi Pékség
Focus Fox Stúdió
Gedeon Pincészet
Kefag Zrt.

Kefag Zrt.
Leonardo SNS
Nemzeti Filmarchívum
Magyar Református Egyház
Dot & Line
Kecskeméti TV
Hírös Agóra
Katona József Könyvtár
Katona József Múzeum
Kecskeméti Kortárs Művészeti Műhelyek
Malom Parkoló

Nemzeti Művelődési Intézet
Budapesti Metropolitan Egyetem
Print 2000
Raster Stúdió