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Gypsy Tales: The Wise Gypsy Who Drove Off the Devil's Son

Otthon Cinema
aug. 13. 10:30
Ciganymesek-Az-ordoguzo-ciganyember-06.jpg Ciganymesek-Az-ordoguzo-ciganyember-10.jpg Ciganymesek-Az-ordoguzo-ciganyember-15.jpg
Carelessness can lead to many problems. Forgetting about centuries-old traditions, a Gipsy widow with many children almost gives away her youngest to the Devil. She makes a pact with the mysterious man next door to fend off the devilish scheme, and they even find their happiness.

Year of production: 2021

Country of production: Hungary

Length: 07' 33''

Further credits

Producer: MIKULÁS Ferenc

Animation: SULYOK Bence; TÓTH-PÓCS Roland Narrator: NYAKÓ Júlia Post-production: KUNGL Mátyás 3D modeling: GRUBER Fruzsina Rigging: NAGY Tamás Art director: HORVÁTH Mária Author of original work: CZIPOTT Géza; BÖSZÖRMÉNYI Gyula Character design: NAGY Lajos Production manager: VÉCSY Vera Sound: MADÁCSI Imre Backgrounds: SZŰCS Emese Rigging: CSONTOS Gizella Storyboard: NAGY Lajos Cameraman: TÓTH-PÓCS Roland Post production: KUNGL Mátyás Music: OLÁH József; PARNO Graszt


Tóth-Pócs Roland



Price 2,70 Ft (2009); What Else is the Bobby Pin Good For? (2010); Purple (2011); Gypsy Tales: Riza’s Night (2018) Gypsy Tales: The Magic Pipe (2020)

Balajthy László

He was born in Mohacs in 1956. He started working at the Kecskemét Animation Studio in 1975. He took part in the production of almost all the films of the studio, at the beginning as inbetweener and clean-up artist, then as animator, animation director, co-director and director–both in TV series and feature films.


The Adventures of Tinti: Go on, Torreador! (1988); The Adventures of Tinti: The Great Competition (1988); The Adventures of Tinti: Music School (1988); Hungarian Folk Tales: The Poor Man’s Nine Hens and One Cockerel (1990); Gypsy Tales: The Fiery Red Snake (2017); Gypsy Tales: The Blacksmith and the Good Lord (2018); Gypsy Tales: The Magic Pipe (2021); Gypsy Tales: The Wise Gypsy Who Drove Off the Devil’s Son (2021)
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The realisation of the 15th Kecskemét Animation Film Festival and the 50th anniversary professional programme in 2021 was supported by the Hungarian Academy of Arts.

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