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Kuflis: The Kuflis and the Swaposcope

Hírös Agora / theatre hall
aug. 13. 15:00
The-Kuflis-and-the-swaposcope--1-.png The-Kuflis-and-the-swaposcope--3-.png The-Kuflis-and-the-swaposcope--4-.png
On a lazy afternoon in the autumn, Fridle listlessly lies on top of the Kufli Mound. When he lets out a big sigh, he is shocked to see a wooden stool appear next to him in the grass. But this stool is not a simple stool; it is a swaposcope—if you sit on it, you will see everything the way it would truly want to be.

Year of production: 2019

Country of production: Hungary

Length: 07' 00''

Further credits

Producer: M. TÓTH Géza

Animation: KIRBY Alice; PIROS Péter; PIGLER Bence; ÖRMÉNYI Ákos; MENRÁTH András; KIRSCHNER Balázs; ERKEL Sára; KAZI Roland; FAZAKAS Kinga Other: SCHERER Péter Author of original work: DÁNIEL András Production manager: MOLNÁR Ágnes Sound: ALPÁR Balázs Backgrounds: KAZI Roland; FAZAKAS Kinga Layout: FAZAKAS Kinga; KAZI Roland Music: ALPÁR Balázs


Jurik Kristóf

Hungarian animator and animation filmmaker. His short film were screened in many film festivals, and he is the director of popular “Kuflis” series. In 2017 he won the Dargay Attila Prize for the most talented young animation artist at the 14th Jameson CineFest International Film Festival.


The Kuflis (2016– ); Zothmund (2013); Trans Canada Highway (2013); Art Cinema ID – Budapest Film (2012); Frog-tango (2011); Mimicry (2010); Home Sweet Home (2009); Mr. Fir (2009); World Famous Miklós (2007); Svindli (2006)
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The realisation of the 15th Kecskemét Animation Film Festival and the 50th anniversary professional programme in 2021 was supported by the Hungarian Academy of Arts.

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