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Urban Legends: Family Inheritance

Hírös Agora / theatre hall
aug. 13. 15:00
EP19-CSALADI-OKORSEG-03.png VL02-ep19-stand09-Csaladi-okorseg.png VL02-ep19-stand02-Csaladi-okorseg.png
One beautiful morning in May, somewhere between Amsterdam and Bukarest, a young and beautiful stewardess, Grace, felt like she has to go to the hospital. It turned out quickly that Grace had absolutely no problem at all—I mean she wouldn't have one if she hadn't had a baby in her stomach—and also the whole family inheritance.

Year of production: 2020

Country of production: Hungary

Length: 03' 08''

Further credits

Producer: MIKULÁS Ferenc

Dramaturge: DOMONYI Rita Other: UDVARDY Bogi Production manager: VÉCSY Vera Backgrounds: MÁKÓ Bori; SZENOGRÁDI Szabina; BETHLENFALVY Márton Script: GLASER Kati Compositing: WIMMER László; SIMON Jozsó Production design: GLASER Kati; UDVARDY Bogi Editor: CZAKÓ Judit; BOUANDEL Doraya Music: KALOTÁS Csaba; HEGYI Dávid


Glaser Kati



Self Portrait (2002); MOME ID (2006); Toothbrush Film (2006); Orbit Mix (2006); FIN (2008); My Three Grandmas (2013); Urban Legends 1-13 (2016); Afternoon (2017); Urban Legends 14-26 (2018-2020)
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The realisation of the 15th Kecskemét Animation Film Festival and the 50th anniversary professional programme in 2021 was supported by the Hungarian Academy of Arts.

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