In the Round Four-Cornered Forest: Maminti, the Little Green Fairy
Kecskemetfilm 50 – Series 2
Hírös Agora / theatre hall
aug. 11. 11:00
Kecskemetfilm 50 – Films with festival awards
The Museum of The Hungarian Naive Artists / courtyard
aug. 11. 20:00
Kecskemetfilm 50 – Writers in the cinema 1
The Museum of The Hungarian Naive Artists / courtyard
aug. 13. 20:00
Kecskemetfilm 50 – Films with festival awards
Malom Cinema
aug. 14. 10:30
Kecskemetfilm 50 – Writers in the cinema 1
Otthon Cinema
aug. 12. 09:30
The habitants of the Round Four-Cornered Forest are a happy bunch of nice, accepting, loving companions: Micker-Macker, Pretty Kitty, Seraphin Horse, Lajos Monster, Aromo, Great Zoard, Sigfrid Bruckner, Elek Mouse, and Dömdödöm. They decide to cut wood to make a boat, or a plane, or a flying boat...
Year of production: 2013
Country of production: Hungary
Length: 07' 28''