en hu

Ethno-zoom: Cifraszűr

Applied Animation
Hírös Agora / theatre hall
aug. 13. 17:00
cifraszur-1.jpg cifraszur-3.jpg Ethnozoom-1.jpg
The animated film created for the Museum of Ethnography presents the history of five iconic museum objects, how they found their way into the museum, and their museum life. The objects come from different parts of the world and of Hungary, from Japan to Venezuela, from Transylvania through the Great Hungarian Plain, and also from the streets of Budapest.

Year of production: 2020

Country of production: Hungary

Length: 01' 32''

Further credits

Producer: BERTÓTI Attila

Animation: BERTÓTI Attila Consultant: VÁCZ Péter Animation: TAKÁCS Anikó; BOROS Bettina; BOROS Brigitta Concept: SZARVAS Zsuzsa Expert: LACKNER Mónika; PÁLÓCZY Krisztina Other: ISZLAI József Consultant: RUTTKAY Zsófia; VÁCZ Péter Concept: BATA Tímea; HAJDU Ágnes Character design: BERTÓTI Attila Consultant: VÁCZ Péter Sound: LUKÁCS Péter Benjámin Backgrounds: SIMONYI Enikő; FRITZ Zoltán Storyboard: BERTÓTI Attila Layout: BERTÓTI Attila Consultant: VÁCZ Péter Layout: TAKÁCS Anikó


Bertóti Attila

Attila Bertóti was born in Baia Mare, Romania in 1985. Hemajored in Film Directing at the film, media and photo programme of the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania in Cluj Napoca, Romania. Between 2010 and 2014 he finished his master’s degree in Animation at Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design. He works as a freelance animator and animated film director.


Filmográfia: Ariadne's Thread (2009); Tale (2014); Kingdom of Cornel (2017); Ethno Zoom (2020)
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The realisation of the 15th Kecskemét Animation Film Festival and the 50th anniversary professional programme in 2021 was supported by the Hungarian Academy of Arts.

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Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem
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Gedeon Pincészet
Kefag Zrt.

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Leonardo SNS
Nemzeti Filmarchívum
Magyar Református Egyház
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Kecskeméti TV
Hírös Agóra
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Katona József Múzeum
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Malom Parkoló

Nemzeti Művelődési Intézet
Budapesti Metropolitan Egyetem
Print 2000
Raster Stúdió