Come to the Clearing
Kecskemetfilm 50 – Films with festival awards
The Museum of The Hungarian Naive Artists / courtyard
aug. 11. 20:00
Kecskemetfilm 50 – Films with festival awards
Malom Cinema
aug. 14. 10:30
Kecskemetfilm 50 – Artanima
Otthon Cinema
aug. 13. 19:30

A slowly splitting painting, a little bird on the painting and then flying up from it. An aethereal female figure that shows up from time to time, and, by way of a counterpoint, a disgusting writhing insect, an undulating mass of pebbles and a mass of letters that gradually engulfs the picture. In other words, the visual motifs and the congenial and effective sound effects together formulate a quite peculiar and remarkable vision about passing times, and the continual changes of time.
Year of production: 1982
Country of production: Hungary
Length: 08' 21''