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Mantaro - A Coffee Full of Mystery

Applied Animation
Hírös Agora / theatre hall
aug. 13. 17:00
Mantaro-still-7a.jpg Mantaro-still-8a.jpg Mantaro-Still-10a.jpg
As a woman sips her morning coffee she finds herself in the magical forests of South America guided by animals to watch the morning sunrise.

Year of production: 2020

Country of production: Hungary

Length: 00' 44''

Further credits

Producer: IVÁNYI Petra, MAJOR István

Animation: VÁCZ Péter; PAPP KÁSA Károly Animation director: VÁCZ Péter Props: BÁTHORY Boglárka; KOPASZ Milán Clothes: JELI Luca; EGELY Kati; MOLNÁRI Edit Silicone casting: LENGYEL Gergő Animatic: BERTÓTI Attila; VÁCZ Péter Additional help: VIRÁGH Ádám; HOLP Nándor Colorist: TŐTSZEGI Szilárd Animation production manager: HUSZÁR Dániel Assistant production manager: SURÁNYI Dávid Needle-felted puppets: SZEPES Liliána Sets created by: KOPASZ Milán Props: ZÁNGÓ Fruzsi Compositing: HUSZÁR Dániel; BERTÓTI Attila Cameraman: M. DEÁK Kristóf Editor: DUSZKA Péter Gábor Music: KONSICZKY Dávid


Attila Hartung

Attila Hartung was born in Hungary in 1991. He studied film directing at the Academy of Theatre and Film Arts, Budapest. He finished his studies in the class of the Cannes Caméra d’Or, Golden Bear winner and Oscar nominated Ildikó Enyedi. Attila directed his first feature film in 2019 and the film won the Hungarian Critics Awards in Best Film category among others. He also directs international video game's scenes and TV commercials.


FOMO - Fear of missing out (feature, 2019) Paparazzi (short, 2018) Deliver us (short, 2016) Ischler (short, 2014) Fasírt (short, 2014)

Vácz Péter

Péter Vácz is an award-winning animation director from Budapest, Hungary. He graduated from MOME with his films called 'Streamschool' and 'Rabbit and Deer' which has won over 125 festival awards in more than 60 countries. Since 2013 Péter is represented by the London based Picasso Pictures production company where he made ‘All I'm Saying’ and ‘Dear John’ for the famous British rock band James. Beside his professional work Péter also teaches and lectures animation practice and theory.
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The realisation of the 15th Kecskemét Animation Film Festival and the 50th anniversary professional programme in 2021 was supported by the Hungarian Academy of Arts.

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