en hu

Marona's Fantastic Tale

Marona's Fantastic Tale
Otthon Cinema
aug. 13. 12:00
Marona-stills-1.33.1_26.jpg Marona-stills-1.103.1_664.jpg Marona-stills-1.100.1_428.jpg
Victim of an accident, a small female dog remembers the different masters she has unconditionally loved. With her unfailing empathy, Marona has brought lightness and innocence to each of the homes she has lived in.

Year of production: 2019

Country of production: Belgium, France, Romania

Length: 1h 32m

Further credits

Producer: LEYERS Tomas, Anca DAMIAN, DYENS Ron

Character design: EVENS Brecht Backgrounds: THORSTENSEN Gina; MAZETTI Sarah Script: DAMIAN Anghel Editor: BENZABAT Boubkar Music: PICO Pablo


Anca Damian

Anca Damian studied at the Academy of Theatre and Film Arts in Bucharest, where she majored in Cinematography and obtained a Doctor's degree in Arts, Cinema and Media. In 1992, she started her film career as a cinematographer, after which Damian directed her first film “Eminescu, truda întru cuvânt” in 1996. “Crulic – The Path to Beyond” (2011) is her first animated feature film and the start of her trilogy on heroism. The second part, the mixed-media animation film “The Magic Mountain” (2015), won awards at several festivals, including Animafest Zagreb and the Ottawa International Animation Festival. In 2018, her live-action feature “Moon Hotel Kabul” premiered in Warsaw IFF, where it received the Best Director accolade, while her short animated feature “The Call” travelled to 40 international festivals, including Annecy, Toronto and Sundance, and won 5 international prizes.


Eminescu, truda întru cuvânt (1996); Crulic – The Path to Beyond (2011); A Very Unsettled Summer (2013); The Magic Mountain (2015); Carré (2016); Perfect Health (2017); Moon Hotel Kabul (2018); The Call (2018); Marona's Fantastic Tale (2019)
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The realisation of the 15th Kecskemét Animation Film Festival and the 50th anniversary professional programme in 2021 was supported by the Hungarian Academy of Arts.

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