en hu

Fledglings: The Polgár Girls

Otthon Cinema
aug. 13. 10:30
03-A-POLGAR-LANYOK-still-07.jpg 03-A-POLGAR-LANYOK-still-08.jpg 03-A-POLGAR-LANYOK-still-12.jpg
Zsuzsa, the firstborn of an educator couple, the Polgárs, finds a chess piece in the living room when she is but a few years old. Her father decides to raise her as a chess genius, and he does the same with his two younger daughters, Zsófi and Judit. The three girls keep defeating their adult opponents. One day Judit finds herself facing Garry Kasparov at an international tournament.

Year of production: 2019

Country of production: Hungary

Length: 08' 13''

Further credits

Producer: JANOVICS Zoltán

Compositing: RÁDÓCZY Zsuzsi


B. Nagy Ervin

Ervin B. Nagy is working as a freelance animation filmmaker since 2007. He graduated in 2011 from Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design. He spent his internship at Cartoon Network Turner Broadcasting London, Pannonia Film Studio, Cinemon Studios and at Kecskemétfilm. He received a Special Jury Award at KAFF 2007 with his animated short “Borders”. He was a Cartoon Forum participant in 2010 with the animated series project “Patrick & Theo”.


Borders (2006); Milla & Mama (2010); Patrick & Theo (2011); The Man Who Loved Pancake (2011); Moon Man (2012); The Life of Martin Luther (2011–2016); The Adventures of Bertie Bean (2014–2017); Fledglings (2016–)
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The realisation of the 15th Kecskemét Animation Film Festival and the 50th anniversary professional programme in 2021 was supported by the Hungarian Academy of Arts.

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Magyar Református Egyház
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