en hu


TV-Special 1
Malom Cinema
aug. 11. 09:00
img-Vanille-300dpi-1.jpg img-Vanille-300dpi-2.jpg img-Vanille-300dpi-3--S.jpg
Vanille, a young Parisian girl who recently arrived in Guadeloupe, dives into an adventure tinged with mystery, meeting picturesque characters and a magic flower. These are holidays that promise to be rich in twists and turns!

Year of production: 2020

Country of production: France, Switzerland

Length: 29' 26''

Further credits

Producer: DE GUILLEBON Reginald, BURLET Nicolas

Animation: MBOTTI MALOLO Jean-Charles Mix: LANGLET Mathieu Sound: BURKHARDT Loic Script: LORIN Guillaume; AUGUSTE Aurore; LANCIAUX Antoine Compositing: DEVILLAZ Michael Cameraman: SPONGA Sara Editor: ALADENISE Catherine Music: EVY Tricia; - Chassol


Lorin Guillaume

Born in Guadeloupe in 1985, Guillaume Lorin grew up surrounded by the Caribbean nature and its folklore. He studied animation in Paris and Luxembourg. Later he went back to study at La Poudrière where he developed his Caribbean imagination and then started his first short film “Vanille”, a contemporary tale in beautiful Caribbean colors, which he later developed into a TV Special.


Lyannaj’ (2010), C’est pas juste ! (2010), "Roucou" (2008); Vanille (2020)
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The realisation of the 15th Kecskemét Animation Film Festival and the 50th anniversary professional programme in 2021 was supported by the Hungarian Academy of Arts.

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