en hu

The 101st Hungarian Folk Tale – A Portrait Film of Ferenc Mikulás

101. magyar népmese - Mikulás Ferenc portréfilm
Otthon Cinema
aug. 14. 15:00
The last fifty years of Hungarian animation’s over hundred-year-old history is inseparably connected to the life of one of the most prominent studio directors of Hungarian filmmaking, Ferenc Mikulás, and the Kecskemét Animation Film Studio that is almost synonymous with his name. Ferenc Mikulás and the studio are best known by Hungarian and global audiences for the 100 episodes of “Hungarian Folk Tales”. The studio continues to take part in the support of talented directors and in the production of series and original films, including the highest quality animation films of the world, regularly nominated for Oscars. The portrait film titled The “101st Hungarian Folk Tale” follows the exceptional, almost fairytale-like story of Mikulás’s life, as well as one of the greatest success stories of Hungarian cultural history, spanning various political systems and technological revolutions. The film is richly illustrated with animated content and archive footage, and it features fellow artists and colleagues as speakers including recently deceased Marcell Jankovics, representatives of the younger generation and foreign film professionals as it tells about the most diverse branch of filmmaking, and a story unique not only in Hungary, but perhaps in the whole world. It is an exemplary, inspiring story: with a good team, talent and perseverance, you can bring out the best from even the seemingly most desperate situations.

Year of production: 2021

Country of production: Hungary

Length: 52' 00''

Further credits

Producer: NOVÁK Tamás

Animation: KOVÁCS Márton; NAGY Márton Dramaturge: GÁSPÁR Judit Production manager: JANOVICS Zoltán Cameraman: ANTAL Szabolcs; SZÉKELY Róbert; CSURGAY Kristóf Editor: ANTAL Szabolcs Music: KALÁKA együttes


Novák Tamás

Vincze Zsuzsanna

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Kecskemét címere
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The realisation of the 15th Kecskemét Animation Film Festival and the 50th anniversary professional programme in 2021 was supported by the Hungarian Academy of Arts.

Steel Flex
Horváth Építőmester Zrt.
Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem
Kecskeméti Konzervgyár
Bács-Kiskun Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara
Horváth Építőmester Zrt.
Aranyhomok Kistérségfejlesztési Egyesület
Félegyházi Pékség
Focus Fox Stúdió
Gedeon Pincészet
Kefag Zrt.

Kefag Zrt.
Leonardo SNS
Nemzeti Filmarchívum
Magyar Református Egyház
Dot & Line
Kecskeméti TV
Hírös Agóra
Katona József Könyvtár
Katona József Múzeum
Kecskeméti Kortárs Művészeti Műhelyek
Malom Parkoló

Nemzeti Művelődési Intézet
Budapesti Metropolitan Egyetem
Print 2000
Raster Stúdió