11–20 August, Hírös Agora / Room Nr. 104–105.
Opening: 11 August, Wednesday 4:00 pm
The exhibition is opened by Sándor Békési, reformed theologist and animated film director
The exhibition of graphic artist, animated film director and painter Ferenc Cakó is like a feast given by a good host, bringing out old and new from the pantry. The old is there as a reference to give way to the constant renewal of his art. His work, which builds on his craftsmanship, thorough understanding of the material used and his refined drawing skill, restlessly experiments and seeks again and again creative possibilities yet to be developed.
The exhibition pieces were created in the spirit of this renewal, belonging to three categories: fixed sand pictures, painting and copper etchings. The quicksand serving as the medium of snapshots from his lyrical animations are fixed as individual images by the solid composition determined by the frame. Part of his airbrush and oil paintings are anthropological investigations, either through portraits (Face to Face series), or through lyrical touches of human relationships (Connections, 2013; Bonds, 2018; Push & Pull, Life Dance, 2019).
The other part of the paintings was not born from inner inspiration, but the other way round: the randomly sprayed blots triggered self-examination in the artist (Post Eden, Strange Encounters, The Gate of the New World, The Miraculous Hind, 2019). And in his copper etchings Cakó uses a traditional printmaking process to replace the montage technique used in films to portray many details and scenes of visions, enigmatic and philosophical questions (Post Atlantis, Field of Ruins, 2019; Studio, A Bevy of Beauties, 2020; Moebius Evolution, Babel, 2021). From crystal quartz to copper etchings—after the innovation of tradition, including modern techniques, we can welcome 71-year-old Ferenc Cakó to the exhibition hall as an artist of Dürer’s and Breughel’s media again.
Sándor Békési
reformed theologist and animated film director