en hu

Nadja Andrasev

Nadja Andrasev is a Hungarian animation filmmaker, she graduated from the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design in 2015. Her graduation film, The Noise of Licking, premiered at the Cinéfondation Selection at Cannes in 2016, winning the Joint Third Prize, then went on to screen at over 80 festivals, winning 15 awards, including the Best Animated Short at the Oscar-qualifying New Orleans Film Festival. Symbiosis, a French-Hungarian co-production between Miyu Productions and Salto Films is her first professional film. It won the Jury Award for Best Animated Short at SXSW in 2020, thus also receiving an Oscar qualification. Since then, the film has been selected at over 100 festivals, winning 24 prizes, including the Zlatko Grgić Award for Best First Film at Animafest Zagreb and Best International Short at Riga International Film Festival, as well as being qualified for the Oscars and shortlisted for a César Award in 2021.

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The realisation of the 15th Kecskemét Animation Film Festival and the 50th anniversary professional programme in 2021 was supported by the Hungarian Academy of Arts.

Steel Flex
Horváth Építőmester Zrt.
Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem
Kecskeméti Konzervgyár
Bács-Kiskun Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara
Horváth Építőmester Zrt.
Aranyhomok Kistérségfejlesztési Egyesület
Félegyházi Pékség
Focus Fox Stúdió
Gedeon Pincészet
Kefag Zrt.

Kefag Zrt.
Leonardo SNS
Nemzeti Filmarchívum
Magyar Református Egyház
Dot & Line
Kecskeméti TV
Hírös Agóra
Katona József Könyvtár
Katona József Múzeum
Kecskeméti Kortárs Művészeti Műhelyek
Malom Parkoló

Nemzeti Művelődési Intézet
Budapesti Metropolitan Egyetem
Print 2000
Raster Stúdió