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Short Film 2
Hírös Agora / theatre hall
aug. 12. 19:00
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A tale about a boy and his pig, and how their bromance is shaken by the appearance of a mysterious girl in a capsule. Set in a dystopian world, “Bros” is a story of friendship and an hommage to the sci-fi movies of the 1970s.

Year of production: 2019

Country of production: Hungary

Length: 15' 06''

Further credits

Producer: OSVÁTH Gábor, DEÁK Dániel

Animation: DUDÁS Henrietta; MIRA Zénó; NÉMETI Fanni; MURESÁN Gabriella; VEZSENYI Tamás; GARAY Marcell; MÁRKUS László; SZŰCS Márton; RÓNYAI Balázs; ZABOS Csaba; CSÁNKI Zsófia; CZAKÓ András; PARTI Zsófia; BALANYI Ádám; PATAKI Szandra; BENKŐ Tímea; TIHANYI Balázs; SZIGETI Máté; CZANIK Georgina; SZABÓ Ildi; MAGYARI Nóra; OROSZ Tina; TELEKI Viola Animation director: FRITZ Zoltán Foley artist: NAGY Krisztián Foley edition: PAPP Károly Kása 3D modeling: BÁCSKAI Dominika Character design: NAGY Marci; KELEN Bálint Production manager: TÓTH Anna Backgrounds: KÁNTOR Zsolt; PILCZ Roland Script: NAGY Marci Compositing: NAGY Marci; CSINTALAN Péter Layout: FRITZ Zoltán Editor: BACSKAI Brigitta Music: PONGOR András


Nagy Marci

Marci Nagy studied animation at the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design and graduated with “Patrick & Theo”. In 2010, he was a participant at Cartoon Forum. Between 2011-2012 he attended the Animation Sans Frontiers – The Animation Production Workshop. In 2016, he co-directed a pilot episode for the “Sky High Tree” series.


Patrick & Theo (2011); Sky High Trees (2016); Bros (2019)
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The realisation of the 15th Kecskemét Animation Film Festival and the 50th anniversary professional programme in 2021 was supported by the Hungarian Academy of Arts.

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