en hu

Out There

Short Film 1
Hírös Agora / theatre hall
aug. 11. 20:00
Odakint-Still03.jpg Odakint-Still02.jpg Odakint-Still01.jpg
While playing hide and seek, a little girl is wandering deeper and deeper into the garden until she finds herself at a distant place.

Year of production: 2020

Country of production: Hungary

Length: 08' 51''

Further credits

Producer: FÜLÖP József

Dramaturge: DOMONYI Rita Written by: OROSZ Judit Production manager: HERTELENDI Amanda; ANDRASEV Nadja Written by: OROSZ Judit Compositing: PÁLFI Szabolcs Written by: OROSZ Judit Layout: HERTELENDI Amanda Written by: OROSZ Judit Editor: CZAKÓ Judit Music: BUTTINGER Gergely


Orosz Judit

Judit Orosz graduated from Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Budapest, where she spent 6 years studying animation. During these years, she experienced the most variable techniques and mastered the basics of animated filmmaking. Next to animation, she is passionate about illustration, picture books, photography and surface design.


Out There (2020)
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The realisation of the 15th Kecskemét Animation Film Festival and the 50th anniversary professional programme in 2021 was supported by the Hungarian Academy of Arts.

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Malom Parkoló

Nemzeti Művelődési Intézet
Budapesti Metropolitan Egyetem
Print 2000
Raster Stúdió