en hu

Shooom's Odyssey

TV-Special 2
Malom Cinema
aug. 11. 10:30
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Born in the bayou in the midst of a storm, baby owl Shooom must fend for herself and her unhatched sibling before she even leaves her nest. Against all odds, she is determined to find her mother, be it an alligator or a squirrel. As she embarks on this dangerous journey through the mangroves, she encounters a series of wild animals before meeting with Walter and Rosie—two children determined to save her.

Year of production: 2019

Country of production: Belgium, France

Length: 25' 48''

Further credits

Producer: PAOLETTI Claire

Author of original work: Julien BISARO Script: PAOLETTI Claire; Julien BISARO Storyboard: Julien BISARO Music: REYES David


Julien Bisaro

Julien Bisaro after studying fine arts continued his studies at La Poudrière. He directed his first short film “Bang Bang!” which was nominated for the César Awards in 2015. He co-founded the production company Picolo Pictures with Claire Paoletti, where he directed “Shooom's Odyssey”, which won at Annecy and it was also nominated for a César.


Bang Bang! (2014); Shooom's Odyssey (2019)
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The realisation of the 15th Kecskemét Animation Film Festival and the 50th anniversary professional programme in 2021 was supported by the Hungarian Academy of Arts.

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