en hu

Melinda Kiss

Animation artist. She completed her higher education at the University of Art and Design in Cluj-Napoca, and she holds a doctoral degree from Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design. She works as an animator, animated film director, visual development artist and motion designer in various animation productions. Her professional work also extends to other visual fields, such as graphic design or spatial installations. Regarding theory, she is also a lecturer of the history of animation. Higher education is an important area in her career. She is currently the head of the Institute of Animation and Media Design of the Budapest Metropolitan University, as well as the director of studies of the bachelor and master's programmes in Animation. In this capacity she is also the producer of student animated films.


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The realisation of the 15th Kecskemét Animation Film Festival and the 50th anniversary professional programme in 2021 was supported by the Hungarian Academy of Arts.

Steel Flex
Horváth Építőmester Zrt.
Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem
Kecskeméti Konzervgyár
Bács-Kiskun Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara
Horváth Építőmester Zrt.
Aranyhomok Kistérségfejlesztési Egyesület
Félegyházi Pékség
Focus Fox Stúdió
Gedeon Pincészet
Kefag Zrt.

Kefag Zrt.
Leonardo SNS
Nemzeti Filmarchívum
Magyar Református Egyház
Dot & Line
Kecskeméti TV
Hírös Agóra
Katona József Könyvtár
Katona József Múzeum
Kecskeméti Kortárs Művészeti Műhelyek
Malom Parkoló

Nemzeti Művelődési Intézet
Budapesti Metropolitan Egyetem
Print 2000
Raster Stúdió